Curriculum Support
Our remote learning provision is made up of two main digital learning platforms: Tapestry (EYFS) and Google Classroom (Yr1-Y6).
Tapestry is an easy-to-use, secure online learning journal that helps staff and families record children’s experiences using photographs and videos. It also enables users to keep a permanent record of children’s ‘learning journey’ which is stored securely and can be downloaded and shared as required. Parents are able to view online their child’s progress and communicate with staff.
Google Classroom is a digital platform that enables teachers to create an online classroom area in which they can manage all the documents the children need. Documents are stored on a Google drive and can be uploaded for the teacher to mark and give feedback. Google Classroom enables pupils and teachers to interact with one another regularly through ‘Google Meet’ where they can meet face-to-face virtually.
Teachers schedule Google meets with groups of children to consolidate the learning that has taken place, model concepts and provide live feedback to ensure children are receiving high first quality learning from their teacher.
- Remote Learning Policy (Review Nov 2021)
- Remote Learning Provision information for Parents
For pupils learning at home:
- Pupils will need to log onto the google classroom platform each day to access their learning activities.
- The class teacher will be uploading new content daily. This will include appropriate explanations of new content, delivered by a teacher or through high-quality curriculum resources including videos.
- In Key Stage 2, it is expected that children will be engaging in the work provided by their teachers for 4 hours a day.
- In Key Stage 1, it is expected that children will be engaging in the work provided by their teachers for up to 3 hours a day.
- In Reception, it is expected that children will engage in the daily phonics, literacy and maths activities and do 15 minutes of reading per day. Teachers are also providing daily challenges to give ideas for child led learning activities.
- Children can complete the tasks online. These can then be submitted back to the class teacher by uploading the documents on google classroom or taking a photograph or video of the tasks completed.
- Class teachers and TAs will be checking and marking the returned work throughout the working day to assess engagement and progress. They will provide feedback to pupils which acknowledges effort and supports further learning as appropriate.
- Teachers will endeavour to respond to queries and work submitted as soon as possible.
- School staff will monitor engagement and follow up with families who are not engaging, to address any difficulties and ensure that children and their learning are safeguarded.
- The remote curriculum delivered will follow, and as closely as possible mirror, that which is being delivered in school.
- Teachers will communicate with and support parents whose children have additional needs which make accessing remote learning more challenging. We will make our best endeavours to support these children in continuing to make progress in their learning.
- If families are having difficulties accessing the online platform due to technology issues, they can contact the school office to discuss solutions.
- Parents are welcome to communicate with class teachers via the Google Classroom platform or by telephoning school to discuss any difficulties or concerns that they have with remote learning.
It is vital, during these disrupted times, that children keep as much routine as possible with their learning. Follow our top tips to get the most out of their Home Learning. It is also important to follow the online safety guidance below.
- Ensure that you follow best practice for online safety – know what your child is accessing and who they are communicating with.
- Establish a routine for Monday to Friday, that includes the usual refreshment breaks and a good balance of physical activity and sitting down to work.
- Allow your child some say in the order that work is completed, but once decided, it must be stuck to – don’t allow negotiation throughout the day.
- If there is one subject that your child finds harder than another, do that one first, while they are fresh, and get it out of the way.
- Do everything you can to remain positive and praise effort more than achievement.
- Some children may need the timetable visually – it can help to tick things off when they are done.
- Work towards a reward (TV time, game time etc) that can be reduced if time is wasted or there is not enough effort being put in.
- If possible have an allocated area for working away from distractions.
- Do not have TV or radio on during work time – music (preferably without words) is OK, but talk and lyrics can be very distracting.
- Ensure that you are all getting quality sleep – no screens before bedtime.
- Keep a water bottle to hand so that your child can stay hydrated.
- Use the interactive platform to stay in touch with your child’s teacher and alert them to any difficulties.
Google Classroom Instructions for Parents – How to use our school’s Google Classroom
Google Classroom is an educational tool, which will be used strictly for educational purposes. Each class has a page, which includes work for pupils to complete at home, links to helpful websites and educational videos to enhance our provision. It also provides a platform for pupils to keep in touch with their teacher during the scheduled lessons, which is so important whilst children are working remotely.
Please view the link below
Logins to online learning resources- The school subscribes to a number of online learning resources which can be accessed at home. It is essential that children and parents have access to the relevant login details from the start of the school year so that they are immediately available in the event of a closure of self-isolation.
Login details that should be included are:
- Google Classroom (Year 1- Year 6)
- Tapestry (Reception)
- Times Table Rockstars (KS2)
- Reading Eggs
- Readiwriter
- Mathletics
Online Learning Resources:
Times Table Rockstars – All children from Year 1 to Year 6 have a logon for Times Tables Rockstars. This is a fantastic website that supports children in learning their times tables.
Once your child has logged in they should play in Garage mode. This has an automatic training mode which starts with easy times tables and as the children get them correct it adds in more and more times tables. This means that it is pitched at the right level for the children so they’re able to practise getting quicker at tables that they know rather than struggling over many that they don’t know.
Oxford Reading Owl – Free resources to support learning at home
- Advice and support for parents
- Educational activities and games
- Free eBook library for 3- to 11-year-olds
Reading Eggs – makes learning to read interesting and engaging for kids, with great online reading games and activities. Children love the games, songs, golden eggs and other rewards which, along with feeling proud of their reading, really motivate children to keep exploring and learning. – offers practice KS1 & KS2 SATs grammar & punctuation tests. Each practice SPAG test is instantly marked providing instant gap analysis.
White Rose Maths– The White Rose Maths ‘schemes of learning’ are hugely popular with schools in the UK and in many other countries, too. We also produce many other resources to help increase both fun and success in maths. Rooted in globally respected research, our resources are written by experienced, practising teachers and are available for pupils from nursery and primary years.
Mathletics – Success is different for every child. For some, it’s getting to the top of the class; for others, it’s finding an answer on their own. Mathletics provides a safe, encouraging learning environment that provides the right level of challenge to help your learners grow, gain confidence, and achieve their best.
Readiwriter – This spelling program delivers a rich understanding of spelling in an engaging way.
Website Links
BBC Bitesize– Explore our best videos, articles and quizzes for primary and secondary students and discover new Primary Catch-Up Lessons to get back on track. BBC Bitesize covers all subjects.
Topmarks– Topmarks has a range of educational resources, games and links to other websites covering all subjects.
Toy Theatre– Toy theatre is a collection of interactive educational games covering a range of subjects.
ICT Games– Educational maths and English games aimed at 5-8 year olds.
Phonics Play– Some free phonic games.
White Rose Maths – Together, we’re building a whole new culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress. No matter what their starting points, we help teachers and learners everywhere to achieve excellence.
Prodigy Maths Game – Sign up for free access to Prodigy Math Game world, where you answer maths questions to complete epic quests and earn in-game rewards. For children at all levels.
SplashLearn– is a free resource for children from Reception to Year 6. Sign up to have a personalised learning path fit for catching up, enrichment or regular practice. Full of fun, interactive maths games.
Numbots- NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.
Foundation Subjects
Joe Wicks’ Workouts – Access a variety of different types of workouts to stay active on Joe Wicks’ youtube site: The Body Coach TV.
Cosmic Kids Yoga – Cosmic Kids Yoga are interactive adventures which build strength, balance and confidence – and gets kids into yoga and mindfulness early! Each episode is its own story, so you can enjoy the Cosmic Kids series in any order.
Go Noodle for Families– A wide range of fun dances for children to learn and help them stay active.
National Geographic Kids – Discover cool fun facts about space, bugs, animals, dinosaurs, and so much more!
Horrible Histories – Horrible Histories is a hit CBBC show that explores the side of history that they don’t teach you about in school! From the Vicious Vikings and Awful Egyptians to the Slimy Stuarts and Terrible Tudors, Horrible Histories covers the funniest, yuckiest and most gruesome bits of history for kids.
SciShow Kids – SciShow Kids explores all those curious topics that make us ask “why?” Whether conducting experiments, researching new questions, or talking with experts, there’s always something new to discover with SciShow Kids, no matter what your age!
Hour of Code– Trying an Hour of Code is a simple and fun way to introduce students to computer science.
Blockly Games– Blockly Games is a series of educational games that teach programming. It is designed for children who have not had prior experience with computer programming. By the end of these games, players are ready to use conventional text-based languages.
Online Safety
Online safety is of paramount importance, especially as children are doing more and more online. These are the sites that the government are recommending for parents to access for more information:
Children should know how to raise concerns while online
- Childline – for support
- UK Safer Internet Centre – to report and remove harmful online content
- CEOP – for advice on making a report about online abuse
Support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online includes:
- Thinkuknow provides advice from the National Crime Agency (NCA) on staying safe online
- Parent info is a collaboration between Parentzone and the NCA providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations
- Childnet offers a toolkit to support parents and carers of children of any age to start discussions about their online life, to set boundaries around online behaviour and technology use, and to find out where to get more help and support
- Internet Matters provides age-specific online safety checklists, guides on how to set parental controls on a range of devices, and a host of practical tips to help children get the most out of their digital world
- London Grid for Learning has support for parents and carers to keep their children safe online, including tips to keep primary aged children safe online
- Net-aware has support for parents and carers from the NSPCC and O2, including a guide to social networks, apps and games
- Let’s Talk About It has advice for parents and carers to keep children safe from online radicalisation
- UK Safer Internet Centre has tips, advice, guides and other resources to help keep children safe online, including parental controls offered by home internet providers and safety tools on social networks and other online services
Government has also provided:
- support for parents and carers to keep children safe from online harms, includes advice about specific harms such as online child sexual abuse, sexting, and cyberbullying
- support to stay safe online includes security and privacy settings, blocking unsuitable content, and parental controls